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habit practice

[The Devil Wears Prada] I couldn't have been clearer MIRNDA: (V.O) Emily? Emily? NIGEL: She means you. (nudges her) 미란다: (목소리) 에밀리? 에밀리? 나이젤: 널 부르는 거야. (옆구리를 살짝 찌른다.) Andy rises and hurries into her office. 앤디는 일어서서 급히 그녀의 사무실로 간다. PAUL: We just cut on the bias and so what.... MIRANDA: No, that's not what I asked you. I couldn't have been clearer....(sees Andy) Oh, there you are, Emily. How many times do I have to scream your name? ANDY: Ac... act..
April_ Time just goes too fast, I didn't realized that the meaning was true but I can safely say that it's true. From time to time I feel like I'm losing my mine but you know what I'm living real track which means I'm doing the best on my way. So I'm not regrat with anything of problem, ok sometimes I did but I'm not use to do that. I'm always happy. Ok I'll tell you secret just get a grip and doing so..
디지털이다 (Being Digital) 디지털이다 (Being Digital) 니콜라스 네그로폰테 저 | 백욱인 역 | 커뮤니케이션북스 | 1999.03.20 정보의 유전자로 칭할 수 있는 비트가 일상생활에 끼 치는 변화의 영향과 결과를 살핀 저서. 디지털의 의미와 그것이 우리의 생활을 어떻게 바꾸어놓을 것인가를쉽고 재미있게 들려준다. 미래사회의 커뮤니케이션에 대한 실용적 통찰력서.[인터넷 교보문고 제공] 니콜라스 네그로폰테 현직 MIT 미디어기술 담당 교수 MIT 미디어연구소 소장.저서로는 등이 있다. 저자의 다른 책 제3의 디지털 혁명 컨버전스의 최전선((세계 디지털 리더들이 말하는 )) - 미래M&B| 2004.09 네그로폰테이다 - 커뮤니케이션북스| 1998.04 디지털이다(양장본) - 커뮤니케이션북스| 1995.10 [도서11번가 제..
Just DO_ If you don't try anything you want, you will back to see the past because you've got over regret that you didn't do anything. But.. if you just try to do something you want, you will see the future because you could learn even through your failure. JUST TRY SOEMTHING THAT YOU WANT! THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO FIND OUT YOUR LIFE..
agony_ 어떤길이 옳은걸까? 어떤길이 더 옳은걸까? 어렵다.. Which is good for me? Which way is the best for my life? It's really difficult to me.. It just makes me crazy.. I'm exhausted indeed.. The life .. is really difficult thing......
[The Devil Wears Prada] You Pick Up Her Coffee Order on the Way EMILY: (over the phone) You pick up her coffee order on the way. ANDY: Now? 에밀리: (전화에서) 오는 길에 커피 좀 사와. 앤디: 지금요? Emily is in a businesslike manner. 에밀리는 사무적이다. EMILY: Now, get a pen and write this down: I want one no foam, skimmed latte... with an extra shot and three drip coffees with room for milk. 에밀리: 자, 펜을 들고 받아적어. 하나는 거품 없는 무지방 우유로 된 라떼 한 잔...한 샷 더 넣은 걸로. 우유 좀 넣게 덜 채운 드립 커피 세 잔. EMILY: (ove..
A First day of Company and Institute It wasn't too difficult to get up early morning I was nervous that I though I couldn't wake up early because I took a break for almost 2weeks without morning class. Today was first day of new class. I just went up to level 5, I was surprised because there were no one except Justine and me. We just up to level so I was surprised and I was excited you know why, my teacher is very good. He is from ..
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